Texas Tech AAUP Chapter Statement in Support of Free Speech and Peaceful Protest on University Campuses
The Texas Tech University Chapter of the AAUP joins our fellow chapters and national leadership in defending the right to free speech and academic freedom, especially at volatile times such as these. (https://www.aaup.org/media-release/defense-right-free-speech-and-peaceful-protest-university-campuses ) We steadfastly oppose any efforts to restrict those rights and freedoms when they are exercised in a peaceful manner, respectful of the rights of others, and consistent with specific campus policies reached through a process of shared governance in which faculty and students have had a meaningful role.
As our colleagues have clearly stated, our campuses should be centers of free speech and expression, where critical evaluation of multiple points of view is welcome. We believe in promoting effective communication as an essential part of learning and teaching, including our students’ and colleagues’ right to protest and to express political convictions.
We call on administrative leadership to act with restraint when possible and abide by established policies and due process in protecting the rights and safety of all students and faculty. However, any interference from politicians, donors, or other special-interest groups in the functioning of our campuses, including decisions on personnel, policies, and specific on-campus events, is an affront to the independence and principles of shared governance foundational to institutions of higher education in service to the public good. As such, we join our colleagues in reaffirming our most essential role: “The way forward is through education and dialogue.”
AAUP National Day of Action for Higher Education, April 17, 2024
Our Chapter is participating in this Day of Action by disseminating a statement on the values we hold that we think are deeply shared by all of us as Americans.
Academic Freedom is at the core of the AAUP mission.
In February of 2023, the 88th Texas Legislature's session is considering several bills detrimental to higher education, including elimination of tenure and escalating attacks on equity, diversity, and inclusion on our college campuses. Efforts to ensure that faculty are able to provide equitable, diverse, and inclusive learning and research environments are being portrayed as discriminatory and divisive rather than necessary for our university to perform its core educational and research missions on behalf of the people of Texas. Our AAUP chapter strongly supports protecting academic freedom and faculty governance, for which continued progress in diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus is essential.
Statement in Support of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Texas Tech University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors expresses grave concern over threats to tenure and attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the state of Texas. These are core values integral to the AAUP’s mission to ensure academic freedom and protect faculty governance. We support our faculty colleagues in fulfilling their responsibility to implement established hiring procedures, which are duly reviewed by chief academic officers and institutional leadership, and are intended to ensure the continued commitment of Texas Tech University to be a welcoming environment for all its students, staff, and faculty. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are foundational concepts that help ensure all teachers and researchers in higher education remain free to teach and conduct research without interference from political figures, boards of trustees, donors, or other entities. In light of recent events, we ask that the leadership of the University specifically and unequivocally express its commitment to these essential core principles.
In February of 2022 freedom of speech came under attack in TX and our colleagues from University of TX at Austin asked for our support in their defense. TX State AAUP Conference issued resolutions on Academic Freedom immediately.
TX State AAUP February 2022 Resolutions on Academic Freedom
TTU AAUP Chapter sent a letter of support on behalf of our colleagues at UT Austin and our joint mission to protect academic freedom in TX.
TTU AAUP Chapter Statement of Support of Academic Freedom
March 2022
March 2022
American Associatino of University Professors and American Federation of Teachers joint forces in March of 2022 in a historic affiliation:
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